The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Engineering Mechanics Architected Materials Biomechanics and Bio-Inspired Engineering Computational Mechanics Damage and Fracture Mechanics Data-Driven Methods Dynamics Elasticity Experimental Analysis & Instrumentation Fluid Dynamics Geomechanics and Geomaterials Granular Materials Machine Learning for Mechanics Material Science Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of Pavements Modeling Inelasticity Multiscale Behavior Multiscale and Multiphysics Nanomechanics and Micromechanics Objective Resilience Poromechanics Probabilistic Mechanics Properties of Materials Stability Structural Health Monitoring and Control |
◕ Intelligent Manufacturing Joining Processes / Machining Rapid Manufacturing Technologies Engine Manufacturing Intelligent Control Technology Wire and Cable Manufacturing Technology Nanofabrication, Nanometrology and Applications Manufacturing Process Planning and Scheduling Nanomanufacturing Laser-Based Manufacturing Nontraditional Manufacturing Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturing and Repair Communication Signal Equipment Manufacturing Meso/Micro Manufacturing Equipment and Processes Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes Casting and Solidification Precision Molding Processes Metrology and Measurement Mold Design and Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Manufacturing Technology Photoelectric Manufacturing and Application Semiconductor Materials Manufacturing Computer-aided Design, Manufacturing and Engineering |